



உங்கள் படைப்புகள்,அரசாணைகள்,பயனுள்ள படிவங்கள்,பயனுள்ள தகவல்கள்,பள்ளியின் சிறப்புகள் போன்றவற்றை எங்கள் E-MAIL : க்கு அனுப்பிவையுங்கள்.!

தற்போதைய செய்திகள்


January 10, 2014

முதுகலை ஆசிரியர் தேர்வில் தமிழ் வழி இடஒதுக்கீடு தீர்ப்பின் முக்கிய பகுதிகள்

முதுகலை ஆசிரியர் தேர்வில் தமிழ் வழி இடஒதுக்கீடு குறித்து வணிகவியல் முதுகலை பட்டதாரிகள் பூங்கோதை, மாரியம்மாள் ஆகியோர் சென்னை உயர்நீதிமன்ற மதுரைக்கிளையில் தாக்கல் செய்த வழக்கில்
நீதியரசர் நாகமுத்து முதுகலை பட்டத்தையும் பி.எட் பட்டத்தையும் தமிழ் வழியில் படித்திருந்தால் போதுமானது எனவும் இளங்கலை பட்டப்படிப்பில் தமிழ் வழி அவசியமில்லை என தீர்ப்பளித்துள்ளார். தீர்ப்பின் முக்கிய பகுதிகள் உங்களுக்காக......

# This Writ Petition is preferred under Article 226 of the Constitution of
India, to issue a writ of Mandamus, to direct the respondents herein to consider
the petitioner for appointment to the post of Post Graduate Assistant in
Commerce under the category of preferential basis of "Persons Studied in Tamil
Medium" under the recruitment process conducted by the 2nd respondent Teachers
Recruitment Board for which the written examination was conducted on 21.07.2013

# As we are able to see in the definition clause, as the term "person
studied in Tamil Medium", the candidate should have obtained the educational
qualification or qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment in Tamil
Medium. In this context, we have to refer to the Special Rules. As I have
already pointed out, the qualifications prescribed for the direct recruitment to
the post of Post Graduate Assistant is a Master's Degree in the said subject
with B.Ed. degree in the same subject. Therefore, if a candidate has studied
P.G. course and B.Ed. course in the relevant subject in Tamil Medium, then he
will fall within the definition of the persons studied in Tamil Medium, as
defined in Section 2(d) of the Act. If a particular candidate had studied the
U.G. course also in the same subject in the matter of selection, he will have
preference, when there are more than one candidate, who have got equal merit.
Therefore, in my considered opinion, a plain reading of the Special Rules and
the Act would go to show that it is not at all necessary that to get the
benefits of the Act, one should have studied in Tamil Medium both in the U.G.
level as well as in P.G. level, besides B.Ed. level. I hold that it is suffice
that the candidate has studied P.G. course and B.Ed. course in Tamil Medium.
The medium of instructions in U.G. level is immaterial. If the recruitment is
to the post of B.T. Assistant, then only the candidate should have studied in Tamil
Medium in U.G. as well as in B.Ed. level.

# In view of the above, in the instance cases, since the petitioners,
who have applied for the post of P.G. Assistants, have studied in Tamil Medium
in P.G. level as well as in B.Ed level, they are entitled for the benefit of
Section 3 of the Act.

# In the result, these writ petitions are allowed with a direction to
the respondents to give the benefit of Section 3 of the Act. The respondents
should issue appointment orders to them by giving preference, provided they
satisfy the other qualifications and merits. No costs. Consequently, connected
miscellaneous petitions are closed.

Thanks To,
Velan Thangavel

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